Normally, I try to spin this blog in a positive light (some days that proves to be a difficult task, lemme tell ya!). This is one of those days. I want to be honest with you about my cancer experience, but I don't want this to be a place that I come to complain all the time (what a fun read that would be, eh?). Today, I am going to make an exception. So...if you don't want to hear me bitch, go ahead and skip to another post,
Remember in the previous post when I mentioned that the effects of the chemo usually take a few days to kick in? Well, they are kicking the crap out of me right now. The effects of the Taxol, mixed with the effects of the Neulasta shot = brutal. I have some minor neuropathy going on in my fingers (and my fingernails feel funny/sensitive, so that might mean that I could be losing them soon). My eyes are driving me crazy (they are bloodshot, dry, and feel like there is a foreign object in them all the time, it's been like this since I was having AC treatments though, so maybe this will go away?). What is really getting to me today though is PAIN. I have quite a bit of bone pain right now. The pain is the worst in my knees/shins, and hips, and in my back. I am having some difficulty walking, so I am laying low. I took some Ibuprofen, but it doesn't seem to be touching the pain. I may resort to something stronger (I try to avoid heavier-duty pain pills for a number of reasons (they make me nauseous and out of sorts, the anti-nausea pills have side effects of their own, etc.) It is a beautiful day today, and I sooooooo wish I could be out working in the yard, or doing anything but sitting here in pain. HMPH. OK...bitchfest is over, for now. I can't promise that it'll be the last time. For those that are still reading, thanks for hangin' in there.
*I ended up calling in to work the next day as well (the first day I have had to "call in" due to chemo), here's hoping it's the only day!
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