
Saturday, December 22, 2012

The most woooooonderful time of the year?

This time of the year has always been a bit bittersweet for me. My Mom's birthday is on Christmas Eve. I believe I mentioned in an earlier post that my Mom died when I was young (7 1/2 actually). So, I have always felt a bit sad on that day, remembering her and wishing she were here to be with me and my family...and thinking about all that she has missed out on (" of one!"). The commercialism of this sweet holiday can get me feeling all "bah humbug!" too (but that's a rant for another time).
This time of the year is supposed to be so full of "merriment", "good cheer" and all of that mess - right? Now, don't get me wrong, I do LOVE this time of the year too - for so many reasons. I love that people seem to be in "the Christmas spirit", spending more time with loved ones, doing good deeds (giving to the needy, etc.). Now that I have little ones, Christmas means so much more to me. Creating that "magic" for them has transformed this holiday for me, as it has for so many other parents out there. I see Christmas through their eyes now - and it's a wonderful thing.
Getting the news that you have cancer at this time of the year - sucks. Remember all that "merriment" I was talking about earlier? Well, hearing songs like this one:
...can make a person that has been newly diagnosed with cancer want to scream "REALLY, AMY GRANT?!?"...or... "F-U AMY GRANT!, IT IS MOST CERTAINLY NOT THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR!!" (not that I would know anything about that), I am just guessing here. I flip flop between singing along with the Christmas music, and wanting to choke someone who is wishing me "Happy Holidays". Oh yes...happy they are indeed!!!
Cancer may very well have made me bipolar. LOL.
 Just giving you a little (albeit scary) glimpse into my head these days. You're welcome. And...HAPPY HOLIDAYS! :)

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