
Monday, June 10, 2013

Good days, bad days.

I had my last chemo treatment on Friday. As you may remember (or maybe not, hell - I can barely remember my own schedule, I certainly don't expect you guys to remember mine too!), I go to chemo EVERY Friday now (and will for at least the next 4 weeks). Boy, I can't wait to look forward to Fridays again...
Today (Monday) is the day when the effects of the chemo really start to hit me. I have good days, usually toward the end of the week (the further I get from my chemo days, as the poisons are flushing out of my system I suppose at that point). Thursdays and just before chemo on Friday I am feeling my best (wouldn'tyaknowit?!?) and then BAM, another treatment, and the cycle starts all over again. (Can I get off this ride now?!?)
Today, is a bad day (but - not as bad as the Monday after my first Taxol!). I am feeling like I have a touch of the flu (body aches, super tired). You can usually tell when it's a bad day, because I very well may be wearing the clothes I slept in (2 days ago) - go ahead and judge. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror (at around 8pm last night), which may have been the first time in 2 days that I looked in the mirror, by the way -  and noticed that I had what must have been a coffee stain on my shirt, and didn't even have the energy or care to change my shirt for bed. I can't even be sure the coffee was from yesterday morning's coffee! Yep, still wearing that shirt as I type.
*update - upon closer inspection, the "coffee stain" was not, in fact coffee, but blood. Much better, right?? I get bloody noses pretty much every day, some more intense then others. I'm a hot mess.
 I have not bothered to try and look presentable (no makeup - which, for someone going through chemo, REALLY makes me look like a "patient"). Remarkably, I did brush my teeth this morning! (It's time to celebrate people). My children made their own lunch today (and mine too!), it was something edible involving crackers, string cheese and liverwurst, oh and kefir (it's a probiotic yogurt smoothie drink, for those of you wondering). Not a fruit or veggie in sight, but they will survive. In my defense I got up this morning and made French toast, bacon and mango...pretty much blew my wad for the day on that - LOL.
I have my friend Joanie coming over in a few minutes, so I am going to try and take a shower now - as I know if she saw me in this condition, she is going to be worried, and you don't want to see a worried Joanie - LOL. Wish me luck!
I'll try to update more later...
Photo: Breast cancer awareness. by Marina Bychkova.
Breast cancer awareness. by Marina Bychkova.

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