
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Feeling Lucky

I have spoken with a few people about this already, but I figured I should put it HERE too.
I am lucky. I really am. And here's why I think so...

Have you ever been to a beautiful funeral ceremony, where there are hundreds of people who show up, and express their love for the "dearly departed"? They tell stories of how so-and-so impacted their life, how wonderful they were, how much they loved and will miss them. Then, you think to yourself...what a shame that so-and-so never had the chance to KNOW all of this while they were alive, to know how much they meant to others and how loved they were. It's beautiful when people come to pay their respects to the family/friends of the person who has passed away. But, wouldn't it be nicer if everyone knew how much they were loved while they were still alive and kickin? getting a diagnosis like breast cancer - I have that opportunity. Now, it may not be like this for all people who have been diagnosed with cancer. But, for me - that is how it has been, for the most part. People talk to me, write to me, send me messages, send me care packages and other thoughtful gifts to let me know how they feel about me. I have had people contact me that I haven't heard from since grade school to let me know that they care. I have had strangers write to me to tell me that my story has helped them in some way. I feel so blessed to be able to have this opportunity. It feels good to know that you are loved, to know that your life has impacted someone else even in a small way. It's a shame that we don't always tell those around us how we really feel about them until it is too late. What are we waiting for? Why are we afraid to tell people how much we care about them? Can we stop that? Really. Here's some homework for you! Your mission (should you chose to accept it)...go and tell someone that you love them (you don't have to use those words exactly if that makes you squirm, but really - do. it.). Right now. Yes, YOU. It could just brighten someone's day (and maybe yours too). Hey, life is short...share the love people. :)


  1. I'm in! And Not only should we reach out to others but we should REALIZE that WE matter and that our lives impact others!!

    I often say that we should all be allowed a "Faux-funeral" where everyone you know HAS to take the day off of work, travel to where you are and spend the whole day with you. With a nice luncheon thrown in! That way you could know how much you mean to other people. :)
